
SweeTango (brand name) or 'Minneiska' is a cultivar (cultivated variety) of apple (Malus domestica) developed by the University of Minnesota in 2000 and first sold in the US in 2009. It is a hybrid of two other apples varieties the university developed: the popular 'Honeycrisp' (the “mother”) and the early-ripening 'Minnewasheta' (brand name Zestar!, the “father” or pollinator). The name SweeTango is a brand name of the 'Minneiska' apple, and is a registered trademark owned by the University of Minnesota. Like the 'Honeycrisp', the 'Minneiska' has much larger cells than most apples, which shatter when bitten to fill the mouth with juice.


SweeTango (brand name) or 'Minneiska' is a cultivar (cultivated variety) of apple (Malus domestica) developed by the University of Minnesota in 2000 and first sold in the US in 2009. It is a hybrid of two other apples varieties the university developed: the popular 'Honeycrisp' (the “mother”) and the early-ripening 'Minnewasheta' (brand name Zestar!, the “father” or pollinator). The name SweeTango is a brand name of the 'Minneiska' apple, and is a registered trademark owned by the University of Minnesota. Like the 'Honeycrisp', the 'Minneiska' has much larger cells than most apples, which shatter when bitten to fill the mouth with juice.