
Téléfrançais was a French language Canadian children's television show, produced by TVOntario from 1984 until 1986. The series of 30 ten-minute episodes has become a popular teaching tool, and is used by many educators (especially in Canadian and American schools) to teach French as a second language to elementary and middle school children. The show's name is a portmanteau for télévision and français. All the characters and scripts were created by Ken Sobol.


Téléfrançais was a French language Canadian children's television show, produced by TVOntario from 1984 until 1986. The series of 30 ten-minute episodes has become a popular teaching tool, and is used by many educators (especially in Canadian and American schools) to teach French as a second language to elementary and middle school children. The show's name is a portmanteau for télévision and français. All the characters and scripts were created by Ken Sobol.