The TAKM - Organization of the Eurasian Law Enforcement Agencies with Military Status (Turkish: TAKM - Avrasya Askerî Statülü Kolluk Kuvvetleri Teşkilatı), is an intergovernmental military law enforcement (gendarmerie) organization of three Turkic countries (Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey) and Mongolia. The initialism TAKM came from the founder countries' names. The TAKM is considered as an alternative for the FIEP.


The TAKM - Organization of the Eurasian Law Enforcement Agencies with Military Status (Turkish: TAKM - Avrasya Askerî Statülü Kolluk Kuvvetleri Teşkilatı), is an intergovernmental military law enforcement (gendarmerie) organization of three Turkic countries (Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey) and Mongolia. The initialism TAKM came from the founder countries' names. The TAKM is considered as an alternative for the FIEP.