Table View Primary School

Table View Primary School or Table View Primary (Afrikaans: Laerskool Table View) is a parallel medium school located in Table View, a west coast suburb of Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. The school has about 1,400 learners and 50 educators. The school follows a Christian-based ethos while also teaching acceptance and respect for different cultural and religious beliefs. There is a strong emphasis on sports, culture and academics.

Table View Primary School

Table View Primary School or Table View Primary (Afrikaans: Laerskool Table View) is a parallel medium school located in Table View, a west coast suburb of Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. The school has about 1,400 learners and 50 educators. The school follows a Christian-based ethos while also teaching acceptance and respect for different cultural and religious beliefs. There is a strong emphasis on sports, culture and academics.