Taring Padi

Taring Padi is a community of underground artists in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The group was formed in 1998 during the general upheaval following the fall of Suharto. Taring Padi are well known for the production of cartoon like posters embedded with political and social justice messages, using the cukil (woodcut) technique onto paper or canvas. In addition to their print work, they also create kinetic sculptures, street theater performances, punk rock and techno music.

Taring Padi

Taring Padi is a community of underground artists in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The group was formed in 1998 during the general upheaval following the fall of Suharto. Taring Padi are well known for the production of cartoon like posters embedded with political and social justice messages, using the cukil (woodcut) technique onto paper or canvas. In addition to their print work, they also create kinetic sculptures, street theater performances, punk rock and techno music.