
TasNetworks, the trading name of Tasmanian Networks Pty Limited, is a Tasmanian Government-owned corporation that is responsible for electricity transmission and distribution throughout Tasmania. They also own and operate a telecommunications network throughout the state. TasNetworks is a participant in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) that operates an interconnected power system that extends from Queensland to South Australia. Tasmania is connected to the NEM via Basslink. TasNetworks is a regulated monopoly that receives its revenue cap from the Australian Energy Regulator.


TasNetworks, the trading name of Tasmanian Networks Pty Limited, is a Tasmanian Government-owned corporation that is responsible for electricity transmission and distribution throughout Tasmania. They also own and operate a telecommunications network throughout the state. TasNetworks is a participant in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) that operates an interconnected power system that extends from Queensland to South Australia. Tasmania is connected to the NEM via Basslink. TasNetworks is a regulated monopoly that receives its revenue cap from the Australian Energy Regulator.