Tashkent embassy bombings

On Friday 30 July 2004, three suicide bombings occurred in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The bombings targeted the Israeli and American embassies and the office of Uzbekistan's chief prosecutor. Two Uzbek security guards were killed at the Israeli embassy and nine more people were wounded in the bombings. The bombings occurred shortly fifteen suspected al-Qaeda members went to trial for staging a series of attacks earlier in 2005 that killed 47 people (mostly militants), and conspiring to overthrow the Uzbek government.

Tashkent embassy bombings

On Friday 30 July 2004, three suicide bombings occurred in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The bombings targeted the Israeli and American embassies and the office of Uzbekistan's chief prosecutor. Two Uzbek security guards were killed at the Israeli embassy and nine more people were wounded in the bombings. The bombings occurred shortly fifteen suspected al-Qaeda members went to trial for staging a series of attacks earlier in 2005 that killed 47 people (mostly militants), and conspiring to overthrow the Uzbek government.