Teacher's Pet (2004 film)

Teacher's Pet is a 2004 American animated musical comedy film based on the television series of the same name; the film ends the central storyline of the series. Produced by Disney Television Animation and released theatrically on January 16, 2004, the film was a box office bomb but a critical success.The movie is dedicated to creator Gary Baseman's dog, Hubcaps, who died while the film was in production.

Teacher's Pet (2004 film)

Teacher's Pet is a 2004 American animated musical comedy film based on the television series of the same name; the film ends the central storyline of the series. Produced by Disney Television Animation and released theatrically on January 16, 2004, the film was a box office bomb but a critical success.The movie is dedicated to creator Gary Baseman's dog, Hubcaps, who died while the film was in production.