Teen-Age Strangler

Teen-Age Strangler is a 1964 crime drama film, made in Huntington, West Virginia. It exploits the popular concern with Juvenile delinquency of the American Cold War period. It was re-released in black & white in 1990, resulting in local screenings, newspaper writeups, and cast reunions. It was featured on a Season 5 episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K). Actor John Humphreys, who played the role of "Mikey" appeared at the MST3K first Conventio-Con in September, 1994.

Teen-Age Strangler

Teen-Age Strangler is a 1964 crime drama film, made in Huntington, West Virginia. It exploits the popular concern with Juvenile delinquency of the American Cold War period. It was re-released in black & white in 1990, resulting in local screenings, newspaper writeups, and cast reunions. It was featured on a Season 5 episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K). Actor John Humphreys, who played the role of "Mikey" appeared at the MST3K first Conventio-Con in September, 1994.