
Telix is a telecommunications program originally written for MS-DOS by Colin Sampaleanu and released in 1986. On 25 September 1992, Exis sold Telix to Jeff Woods who founded deltaComm Development and it has been distributed by them since, including the Microsoft Windows version they developed and released in 1994. Telix can be used to dial bulletin board systems or other phone-line based services. It supports ANSI emulation and various file transfer protocols.


Telix is a telecommunications program originally written for MS-DOS by Colin Sampaleanu and released in 1986. On 25 September 1992, Exis sold Telix to Jeff Woods who founded deltaComm Development and it has been distributed by them since, including the Microsoft Windows version they developed and released in 1994. Telix can be used to dial bulletin board systems or other phone-line based services. It supports ANSI emulation and various file transfer protocols.