Testicular trauma

Testicular trauma is an injury to one or both testicles. Types of injuries include blunt, penetrating and degloving. Because the testes are located within the scrotum, which hangs outside of the body, they do not have the protection of muscles and bones. This makes it easier for a testes to be struck, hit, kicked or crushed, which occurs most often during contact sports. Testicles can be protected by wearing athletic cups during sports.

Testicular trauma

Testicular trauma is an injury to one or both testicles. Types of injuries include blunt, penetrating and degloving. Because the testes are located within the scrotum, which hangs outside of the body, they do not have the protection of muscles and bones. This makes it easier for a testes to be struck, hit, kicked or crushed, which occurs most often during contact sports. Testicles can be protected by wearing athletic cups during sports.