The Adventures of the Little Prince (TV series)

The Adventures of the Little Prince (星の王子さま プチ・プランス Hoshi no Ōjisama Puchi Puransu) is an anime series based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Made by the animation studio Knack Productions, the series, originally titled Hoshi no Ōjisama Puchi Puransu (Prince of the Stars: Petit Prince), aired in Japan on the TV Asahi network from July 1978 to March 1979. Dubbed into English, the series premiered in the United States in 1985 on Nickelodeon and was rerun through June 1, 1985 to December 29, 1989. It was also broadcast on TVOntario in 1989, a station that would later pick up the dub of the 2010 French adaptation. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, of Mobile Suit Gundam fame, was involved in this series as a director.

The Adventures of the Little Prince (TV series)

The Adventures of the Little Prince (星の王子さま プチ・プランス Hoshi no Ōjisama Puchi Puransu) is an anime series based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Made by the animation studio Knack Productions, the series, originally titled Hoshi no Ōjisama Puchi Puransu (Prince of the Stars: Petit Prince), aired in Japan on the TV Asahi network from July 1978 to March 1979. Dubbed into English, the series premiered in the United States in 1985 on Nickelodeon and was rerun through June 1, 1985 to December 29, 1989. It was also broadcast on TVOntario in 1989, a station that would later pick up the dub of the 2010 French adaptation. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, of Mobile Suit Gundam fame, was involved in this series as a director.