The Average Guys TV Show

The Average Guys TV Show is a series program on Charter Communications public-access television (PACT-TV) Channel 180 in Duluth, Minnesota, produced by Kenny Kalligher and Jon Donahue. An unscripted hour-long sports talk program that began in Donahue's basement with the first taping on December 12th 1998 airing on Christmas Day of that year. Throughout the years the show was taped at a variety of locations mostly in the PACT-TV studio alternate sites included, Kenny's home, local bars and sports venue's and one time in a car with Pat Christner ( a viewer who became a part of the program while he was in high school) operating the camera from the back seat while Kenny drove the car around town. After being diagnosed with a brain tumor in August 2012 Donahue was able to resume taping on the o

The Average Guys TV Show

The Average Guys TV Show is a series program on Charter Communications public-access television (PACT-TV) Channel 180 in Duluth, Minnesota, produced by Kenny Kalligher and Jon Donahue. An unscripted hour-long sports talk program that began in Donahue's basement with the first taping on December 12th 1998 airing on Christmas Day of that year. Throughout the years the show was taped at a variety of locations mostly in the PACT-TV studio alternate sites included, Kenny's home, local bars and sports venue's and one time in a car with Pat Christner ( a viewer who became a part of the program while he was in high school) operating the camera from the back seat while Kenny drove the car around town. After being diagnosed with a brain tumor in August 2012 Donahue was able to resume taping on the o