The Big Idea (museum)

The Big Idea was a millennium-funded, interactive museum in Irvine in North Ayrshire, Scotland. The museum, built on the site of Alfred Nobel's dynamite factory, was devoted to invention and inventors. Scottish inventors featured include John Napier, William Murdock, Alexander Fleming and John Logie Baird. There is a time capsule buried under the museum. The footbridge, called the 'Bridge of Scottish Inventions' can open to allow ships to pass through and as of 2016 it remains in the open position.

The Big Idea (museum)

The Big Idea was a millennium-funded, interactive museum in Irvine in North Ayrshire, Scotland. The museum, built on the site of Alfred Nobel's dynamite factory, was devoted to invention and inventors. Scottish inventors featured include John Napier, William Murdock, Alexander Fleming and John Logie Baird. There is a time capsule buried under the museum. The footbridge, called the 'Bridge of Scottish Inventions' can open to allow ships to pass through and as of 2016 it remains in the open position.