The Door Is Always Open

"The Door is Always Open" is a country song written by Dickey Lee and Bob McDill. First recorded by Tennessee Pulleybone for JIM Records, it went to number 75 on the Hot Country Songs charts that year. Waylon Jennings later cut it as an album track for his 1975 album Dreaming My Dreams. A version by Lois Johnson, also in 1975, went to number 70 on the country music chart. It was the Dave & Sugar version, released in 1976, that was released to radio and became known to audiences. That July, the song was the group's first number one hit on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart.

The Door Is Always Open

"The Door is Always Open" is a country song written by Dickey Lee and Bob McDill. First recorded by Tennessee Pulleybone for JIM Records, it went to number 75 on the Hot Country Songs charts that year. Waylon Jennings later cut it as an album track for his 1975 album Dreaming My Dreams. A version by Lois Johnson, also in 1975, went to number 70 on the country music chart. It was the Dave & Sugar version, released in 1976, that was released to radio and became known to audiences. That July, the song was the group's first number one hit on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart.