The Driver (TV series)

The Driver is a British crime drama television serial, set in Manchester, which aired on BBC One between September 23 and October 7, 2014. Written by Danny Brocklehurst, the three-part drama series stars David Morrissey and was directed by Jamie Payne. The serial was announced by BBC One on January 10, 2014 after it was commissioned by heads of drama Charlotte Moore and Ben Stephenson. Filming began in January 2014. The series was co-produced by Highfield Pictures and Red Production Company.

The Driver (TV series)

The Driver is a British crime drama television serial, set in Manchester, which aired on BBC One between September 23 and October 7, 2014. Written by Danny Brocklehurst, the three-part drama series stars David Morrissey and was directed by Jamie Payne. The serial was announced by BBC One on January 10, 2014 after it was commissioned by heads of drama Charlotte Moore and Ben Stephenson. Filming began in January 2014. The series was co-produced by Highfield Pictures and Red Production Company.