The Five (TV series)

The Five is a British crime drama television series, created by renowned crime author Harlan Coben, as his first original series for television. The Five began broadcast on 15 April 2016 on Sky1 in the UK. The series stars Tom Cullen, O. T. Fagbenle, Lee Ingleby and Sarah Solemani as childhood friends Mark, Danny, Slade and Pru, who are re-united after DNA evidence left at a murder scene is revealed to be that of Mark's brother Jesse, who disappeared one summer's day after playing in the park with the four friends. The first series consists of ten episodes, with two episodes broadcast each week consecutively. Although set in the fictional town of "Westbridge" the series was filmed in Liverpool, Wirral, Runcorn and surrounding areas including Frodsham.

The Five (TV series)

The Five is a British crime drama television series, created by renowned crime author Harlan Coben, as his first original series for television. The Five began broadcast on 15 April 2016 on Sky1 in the UK. The series stars Tom Cullen, O. T. Fagbenle, Lee Ingleby and Sarah Solemani as childhood friends Mark, Danny, Slade and Pru, who are re-united after DNA evidence left at a murder scene is revealed to be that of Mark's brother Jesse, who disappeared one summer's day after playing in the park with the four friends. The first series consists of ten episodes, with two episodes broadcast each week consecutively. Although set in the fictional town of "Westbridge" the series was filmed in Liverpool, Wirral, Runcorn and surrounding areas including Frodsham.