The Frontier (novel)

The Frontier (Granica in Polish) is a novel written by Zofia Nałkowska, a renowned Polish prose writer, dramatist, and prolific essayist. It tells the story of the life of Zenon Ziembiewicz, his way to the top and success, as well as love affairs and problems. The novel itself combines features of many different genres: psychological novel, sensation novel, realistic prose and detective novel. Originally, the author wanted to title her book “Patterns”, however, she changed her mind and decided on “The Frontier”. The novel has been made into a film twice: in 1938 and 1977.

The Frontier (novel)

The Frontier (Granica in Polish) is a novel written by Zofia Nałkowska, a renowned Polish prose writer, dramatist, and prolific essayist. It tells the story of the life of Zenon Ziembiewicz, his way to the top and success, as well as love affairs and problems. The novel itself combines features of many different genres: psychological novel, sensation novel, realistic prose and detective novel. Originally, the author wanted to title her book “Patterns”, however, she changed her mind and decided on “The Frontier”. The novel has been made into a film twice: in 1938 and 1977.