The Gay Marriage Thing

The Gay Marriage Thing is a 2005 documentary film directed by Stephanie Higgins, who is a product of the Emerson College film school graduate program. The film follows the heated debate over same-sex marriage in Massachusetts in 2004 through the perspective of a lesbian couple who wishes to legally marry, as that state became the first in the U.S. to grant same-sex marriages (although those marriages were not recognized by the federal government).

The Gay Marriage Thing

The Gay Marriage Thing is a 2005 documentary film directed by Stephanie Higgins, who is a product of the Emerson College film school graduate program. The film follows the heated debate over same-sex marriage in Massachusetts in 2004 through the perspective of a lesbian couple who wishes to legally marry, as that state became the first in the U.S. to grant same-sex marriages (although those marriages were not recognized by the federal government).