The Harbinger (novel)

The Harbinger is a 2012 best-selling Christian novel by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew. It suggests that the 9/11 terrorism attack was a divine warning to the United States. Cahn ties the 9/11 attacks to a section of Isaiah 9, which describes God vowing to destroy ancient Israel for persistent disobedience towards Him and ignoring the warnings He has sent them. One such warning was a military attack on Israel which caused physical damage to the land. Verses 9 and 10 record that instead of recognizing God's warning and repenting of its sins, Israel defiantly vowed to rebuild using stronger materials and planting stronger trees.

The Harbinger (novel)

The Harbinger is a 2012 best-selling Christian novel by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew. It suggests that the 9/11 terrorism attack was a divine warning to the United States. Cahn ties the 9/11 attacks to a section of Isaiah 9, which describes God vowing to destroy ancient Israel for persistent disobedience towards Him and ignoring the warnings He has sent them. One such warning was a military attack on Israel which caused physical damage to the land. Verses 9 and 10 record that instead of recognizing God's warning and repenting of its sins, Israel defiantly vowed to rebuild using stronger materials and planting stronger trees.