The Ladder of Lies

The Ladder of Lies is a lost 1920 American drama silent film directed by Tom Forman and written by Edith M. Kennedy and Harold Vickers. The film stars Ethel Clayton, Clyde Fillmore, Jean Acker, Irving Cummings, Charles Meredith and Ruth Ashby. The film was released on July 11, 1920, by Paramount Pictures.

The Ladder of Lies

The Ladder of Lies is a lost 1920 American drama silent film directed by Tom Forman and written by Edith M. Kennedy and Harold Vickers. The film stars Ethel Clayton, Clyde Fillmore, Jean Acker, Irving Cummings, Charles Meredith and Ruth Ashby. The film was released on July 11, 1920, by Paramount Pictures.