The Last Enemy (Space: 1999)

"The Last Enemy" is the eighteenth episode of the first series of Space: 1999. The screenplay was written by Bob Kellett (with additional material contributed by Johnny Byrne); the director was Bob Kellett. Previous titles include "The Second Sex" and "The Other Enemy". The final shooting script is dated 25 October 1974. Live-action filming took place Friday 8 November 1974 through Tuesday 19 November 1974. A three-day re-mount was scheduled from Tuesday 25 February 1975 through Thursday 28 February 1975. This re-mount concluded the filming of the first series.

The Last Enemy (Space: 1999)

"The Last Enemy" is the eighteenth episode of the first series of Space: 1999. The screenplay was written by Bob Kellett (with additional material contributed by Johnny Byrne); the director was Bob Kellett. Previous titles include "The Second Sex" and "The Other Enemy". The final shooting script is dated 25 October 1974. Live-action filming took place Friday 8 November 1974 through Tuesday 19 November 1974. A three-day re-mount was scheduled from Tuesday 25 February 1975 through Thursday 28 February 1975. This re-mount concluded the filming of the first series.