The Letters (film)

The Letters is a 2014 American biographical drama film directed and written by William Riead. The film stars Juliet Stevenson, Max von Sydow, Rutger Hauer and Priya Darshini. It was produced by Colin Azzopardi, Tony Cordeaux, and Lisa Riead. It was released theatrically by Freestyle Releasing on December 4, 2015.

The Letters (film)

The Letters is a 2014 American biographical drama film directed and written by William Riead. The film stars Juliet Stevenson, Max von Sydow, Rutger Hauer and Priya Darshini. It was produced by Colin Azzopardi, Tony Cordeaux, and Lisa Riead. It was released theatrically by Freestyle Releasing on December 4, 2015.