The Morung Express

The Morung Express is an English language newspaper published from Dimapur in Nagaland, India. It is the first newspaper in Nagaland with an online newspaper. The Morung Express is a daily with 12 pages on most days. There are supplements on Friday (Ad Bazaar) and Saturday (Impressions). Ad Bazaar on Friday is an 8-page quarter fold supplement containing classified ads, including a page of free personal ads. Impressions on Saturday is a 4-page supplement containing information and news on topics including Public Agenda, EduCare, Science and Technology, Youths, Art and Living; and People-Photo Speak.

The Morung Express

The Morung Express is an English language newspaper published from Dimapur in Nagaland, India. It is the first newspaper in Nagaland with an online newspaper. The Morung Express is a daily with 12 pages on most days. There are supplements on Friday (Ad Bazaar) and Saturday (Impressions). Ad Bazaar on Friday is an 8-page quarter fold supplement containing classified ads, including a page of free personal ads. Impressions on Saturday is a 4-page supplement containing information and news on topics including Public Agenda, EduCare, Science and Technology, Youths, Art and Living; and People-Photo Speak.