The Opie and Anthony Show Knuckleheads

The Opie & Anthony Show Pests, also known as "The O&A Army" or "The Pests," were names used to describe fans and listeners of The Opie & Anthony Radio Show who took a proactive approach to the show's content and promotion. As opposed to just casually listening, these fans were involved in listener events, promoting the show, on-air segments, and listener stunts/pranks. They are jokingly known by the hosts as a collection of "computer nerds" and "failures", with the implicit recognition that these devotees relate well to the hosts themselves. Forbes Magazine has recognized "The Pests" as a major source of viral marketing for the show, facetiously suggesting that Anthony Cumia be nominated as CMO of XM Satellite Radio for his role in encouraging and leading the Pests.

The Opie and Anthony Show Knuckleheads

The Opie & Anthony Show Pests, also known as "The O&A Army" or "The Pests," were names used to describe fans and listeners of The Opie & Anthony Radio Show who took a proactive approach to the show's content and promotion. As opposed to just casually listening, these fans were involved in listener events, promoting the show, on-air segments, and listener stunts/pranks. They are jokingly known by the hosts as a collection of "computer nerds" and "failures", with the implicit recognition that these devotees relate well to the hosts themselves. Forbes Magazine has recognized "The Pests" as a major source of viral marketing for the show, facetiously suggesting that Anthony Cumia be nominated as CMO of XM Satellite Radio for his role in encouraging and leading the Pests.