The Right Stuff (dating web site)

The Right Stuff is a dating service in New Jersey, in business since 1993. Membership is international, and limited to single students, graduates, and faculty, of medical schools, and of select universities and colleges. TIME Magazine mentioned it in a review of dating services, saying, "If you’re highly educated and seeking a highly educated partner, Right Stuff Dating ('The Ivy League of Dating') may be right for you." According to the Right Stuff web site, as of 2015, there are about 4,900 members, and 310 couples have met and married through the site.

The Right Stuff (dating web site)

The Right Stuff is a dating service in New Jersey, in business since 1993. Membership is international, and limited to single students, graduates, and faculty, of medical schools, and of select universities and colleges. TIME Magazine mentioned it in a review of dating services, saying, "If you’re highly educated and seeking a highly educated partner, Right Stuff Dating ('The Ivy League of Dating') may be right for you." According to the Right Stuff web site, as of 2015, there are about 4,900 members, and 310 couples have met and married through the site.