The Sins

The Sins is a BBC television series that aired from October 24, 2000 until December 5, 2000. The series centres on Len Green (Pete Postlethwaite), a former bank robber and getaway driver, who has retired from the criminal life and joined the undertakers run by his uncle (Frank Finlay). However, his resolve to stay out of the criminal world is tested by temptations based on the seven deadly sins. The series was directed by David Yates, Sallie Aprahamian and Simon Curtis, and was written solely by William Ivory. The complete series was released on DVD on March 28, 2011.

The Sins

The Sins is a BBC television series that aired from October 24, 2000 until December 5, 2000. The series centres on Len Green (Pete Postlethwaite), a former bank robber and getaway driver, who has retired from the criminal life and joined the undertakers run by his uncle (Frank Finlay). However, his resolve to stay out of the criminal world is tested by temptations based on the seven deadly sins. The series was directed by David Yates, Sallie Aprahamian and Simon Curtis, and was written solely by William Ivory. The complete series was released on DVD on March 28, 2011.