The Stone Boy (TV series)

The Stone Boy is an Indo-Mauritius short film broadcast as a children's television series that aired on the Indian Television channel DD National in 1991. It was directed by T.S. Nagabharana Stone Boy is an Indian children's television series of 10 episodes that ran on DD National channel during the 1990s. It was shot in Mauritius. The story was based on a fantasy story of a poor farmer/milkman boy who gets cursed by fairies. Plot Again they start living their normal life. With the problems of not having anymore new friends in the new country.

The Stone Boy (TV series)

The Stone Boy is an Indo-Mauritius short film broadcast as a children's television series that aired on the Indian Television channel DD National in 1991. It was directed by T.S. Nagabharana Stone Boy is an Indian children's television series of 10 episodes that ran on DD National channel during the 1990s. It was shot in Mauritius. The story was based on a fantasy story of a poor farmer/milkman boy who gets cursed by fairies. Plot Again they start living their normal life. With the problems of not having anymore new friends in the new country.