The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights (Russian: Сказка о мёртвой царевне и семи богатырях) is a 1833 fairy-tale poem by Aleksandr Pushkin. The story is based on the tale Little Snow White from Grimm's Fairy Tales. Pushkin owned a copy of the Grimms' Fairy Tales in a French translation called Vieux contes: pour l'amusement des grands et des petits enfants. There also exists Pushkin's own outline of the story which he planned to write, but which does not much resemble the version he ultimately published.

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights (Russian: Сказка о мёртвой царевне и семи богатырях) is a 1833 fairy-tale poem by Aleksandr Pushkin. The story is based on the tale Little Snow White from Grimm's Fairy Tales. Pushkin owned a copy of the Grimms' Fairy Tales in a French translation called Vieux contes: pour l'amusement des grands et des petits enfants. There also exists Pushkin's own outline of the story which he planned to write, but which does not much resemble the version he ultimately published.