The Third Eye (TV series)

The Third Eye is a mini-series anthology that aired on Nickelodeon that consisted of a variety of serials from the UK and New Zealand. The Third Eye premiered on Nickelodeon in January 1983. It was a live action sci-fi/supernatural anthology that included the first series of Into the Labyrinth (1981), The Haunting of Cassie Palmer (1982), Children of the Stones (1976), and Under the Mountain (1981). A fifth serial, The Witches and the Grinnygog (1983), was added shortly before The Third Eye was discontinued.

The Third Eye (TV series)

The Third Eye is a mini-series anthology that aired on Nickelodeon that consisted of a variety of serials from the UK and New Zealand. The Third Eye premiered on Nickelodeon in January 1983. It was a live action sci-fi/supernatural anthology that included the first series of Into the Labyrinth (1981), The Haunting of Cassie Palmer (1982), Children of the Stones (1976), and Under the Mountain (1981). A fifth serial, The Witches and the Grinnygog (1983), was added shortly before The Third Eye was discontinued.