The Vessel

The Vessel is a British comedy web series created and written by Chloe Seddon, Phillip Whiteman and Giovanni Bienne. The series is broadcast on the Internet and premiered on October 21, 2012. Currently 10 episodes have been made and the show can be found distributed across the web on platforms including Blip and YouTube. The Vessel Series follows Kim (Lily Brown) and her two best friends, Rory (Giovanni Bienne) and Mike (Phillip Whiteman), as they start a family. Rory and Mike are a gay couple who have decided they want to have a baby. Rory and Mike want a baby, so they ask their close friend Kim to be the surrogate mother.

The Vessel

The Vessel is a British comedy web series created and written by Chloe Seddon, Phillip Whiteman and Giovanni Bienne. The series is broadcast on the Internet and premiered on October 21, 2012. Currently 10 episodes have been made and the show can be found distributed across the web on platforms including Blip and YouTube. The Vessel Series follows Kim (Lily Brown) and her two best friends, Rory (Giovanni Bienne) and Mike (Phillip Whiteman), as they start a family. Rory and Mike are a gay couple who have decided they want to have a baby. Rory and Mike want a baby, so they ask their close friend Kim to be the surrogate mother.