The show with zefrank

the show with zefrank was a web video show by Ze Frank produced each weekday from March 17, 2006 until March 17, 2007. The format of the program combined commentary on media and current events with viewer contributions and activities. It is considered one of the most influential series in the history of vlogging because of its pioneering nature and for inspiring many of the elements which now define the genre. It also inspired many of today's most popular vloggers, including the Vlogbrothers, Philip DeFranco and Wheezy Waiter. It was the subject of articles in Slate, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, and Newsweek.

The show with zefrank

the show with zefrank was a web video show by Ze Frank produced each weekday from March 17, 2006 until March 17, 2007. The format of the program combined commentary on media and current events with viewer contributions and activities. It is considered one of the most influential series in the history of vlogging because of its pioneering nature and for inspiring many of the elements which now define the genre. It also inspired many of today's most popular vloggers, including the Vlogbrothers, Philip DeFranco and Wheezy Waiter. It was the subject of articles in Slate, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, and Newsweek.