Timeline of Rob Ford video scandal

In May 2013, the American website Gawker and the Toronto Star reported that they had viewed a cellphone video that showed Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine and commenting on political issues. Gawker raised money to buy the video, but were unable to acquire the video when the seller broke off contact. On October 31, 2013, Toronto Police announced that they are in possession of the video, "and at least one other". The video was retrieved in the course of an investigation of drug gangs, entitled "Project Traveller". Ford associate Sandro Lisi was charged with extortion for attempting to retrieve the video, in exchange for marijuana.

Timeline of Rob Ford video scandal

In May 2013, the American website Gawker and the Toronto Star reported that they had viewed a cellphone video that showed Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine and commenting on political issues. Gawker raised money to buy the video, but were unable to acquire the video when the seller broke off contact. On October 31, 2013, Toronto Police announced that they are in possession of the video, "and at least one other". The video was retrieved in the course of an investigation of drug gangs, entitled "Project Traveller". Ford associate Sandro Lisi was charged with extortion for attempting to retrieve the video, in exchange for marijuana.