Tom's Rhinoplasty

"Tom's Rhinoplasty" is the eleventh episode in the first season of the American animated television series South Park. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on February 11, 1998. In the episode, the South Park Elementary boys become infatuated with the new substitute teacher Ms. Ellen, making Wendy Testaburger extremely jealous. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison gets a nose job that makes him resemble actor David Hasselhoff.

Tom's Rhinoplasty

"Tom's Rhinoplasty" is the eleventh episode in the first season of the American animated television series South Park. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on February 11, 1998. In the episode, the South Park Elementary boys become infatuated with the new substitute teacher Ms. Ellen, making Wendy Testaburger extremely jealous. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison gets a nose job that makes him resemble actor David Hasselhoff.