Tome of the Unknown

Tome of the Unknown, the full title of which is Tome of the Unknown: Harvest Melody, is a 2013 animated short film created by Patrick McHale. In the film, Wirt (Elijah Wood), his brother Gregory (Collin Dean), and Beatrice, a bluebird, head to the big city in search of an arcane book of all known things, meeting a vegetable man along the way.

Tome of the Unknown

Tome of the Unknown, the full title of which is Tome of the Unknown: Harvest Melody, is a 2013 animated short film created by Patrick McHale. In the film, Wirt (Elijah Wood), his brother Gregory (Collin Dean), and Beatrice, a bluebird, head to the big city in search of an arcane book of all known things, meeting a vegetable man along the way.