Tommy Pickles and The Great White Thing

Tommy Pickles and The Great White Thing is a 6 1/2 minute unaired pilot for the popular animated series Rugrats. It is one of three pilots to the series (two remain unaired). The production for this episode began in 1989 and ended in 1990. Nickelodeon had a choice of airing this or Tommy's First Birthday. Apart from exhibitions at animation festivals and conventions, this episode was never seen by the public until August 2001, when it appeared on Volume 1 of the Rugrats: A Decade in Diapers video, which was released as part of Rugrats' 10th Anniversary on Nickelodeon.

Tommy Pickles and The Great White Thing

Tommy Pickles and The Great White Thing is a 6 1/2 minute unaired pilot for the popular animated series Rugrats. It is one of three pilots to the series (two remain unaired). The production for this episode began in 1989 and ended in 1990. Nickelodeon had a choice of airing this or Tommy's First Birthday. Apart from exhibitions at animation festivals and conventions, this episode was never seen by the public until August 2001, when it appeared on Volume 1 of the Rugrats: A Decade in Diapers video, which was released as part of Rugrats' 10th Anniversary on Nickelodeon.