Transport in Kuala Lumpur

The transport of Kuala Lumpur consists of highly developed intermodal infrastructure in the Klang Valley. Kuala Lumpur, being the capital of Malaysia, has an unrivaled transport system in Malaysia, including an integrated rail network, and to a further extent, one of the longest automated driverless metro systems in the world, the Kelana Jaya Line. Despite all the efforts to promote public transport, the average use in the city is only mere 16 percent in 2006, among the lowest in Asia.

Transport in Kuala Lumpur

The transport of Kuala Lumpur consists of highly developed intermodal infrastructure in the Klang Valley. Kuala Lumpur, being the capital of Malaysia, has an unrivaled transport system in Malaysia, including an integrated rail network, and to a further extent, one of the longest automated driverless metro systems in the world, the Kelana Jaya Line. Despite all the efforts to promote public transport, the average use in the city is only mere 16 percent in 2006, among the lowest in Asia.