Treaty of Gulistan

The Treaty of Gulistan (Russian: Гюлистанский договор; Persian: عهدنامه گلستان‎‎) was a peace treaty concluded between Imperial Russia and Persia (modern day Iran) on 24 October 1813 in the village of Gulistan (in modern-day Goranboy Rayon of Azerbaijan) as a result of the first full scale Russo-Persian War, lasting from 1804-1813. The peace negotiations were precipitated by Lankaran's fall to Gen. Pyotr Kotlyarevsky on 1 January 1813.

Treaty of Gulistan

The Treaty of Gulistan (Russian: Гюлистанский договор; Persian: عهدنامه گلستان‎‎) was a peace treaty concluded between Imperial Russia and Persia (modern day Iran) on 24 October 1813 in the village of Gulistan (in modern-day Goranboy Rayon of Azerbaijan) as a result of the first full scale Russo-Persian War, lasting from 1804-1813. The peace negotiations were precipitated by Lankaran's fall to Gen. Pyotr Kotlyarevsky on 1 January 1813.