Treaty of Kalisz (1813)

The Treaty of Kalisz was signed in Kalisz (German: Kalisch, Russian: Kalish/Калиш) on 28 February 1813, between Russia and Prussia against Napoleon I. It marked the final changeover of Prussia onto the side against Napoleon. The treaty is also an interesting example of the dominance of the French language at this time. The text of the treaty was written in French, even though it was positioned to defeat France.

Treaty of Kalisz (1813)

The Treaty of Kalisz was signed in Kalisz (German: Kalisch, Russian: Kalish/Калиш) on 28 February 1813, between Russia and Prussia against Napoleon I. It marked the final changeover of Prussia onto the side against Napoleon. The treaty is also an interesting example of the dominance of the French language at this time. The text of the treaty was written in French, even though it was positioned to defeat France.