
Truppführer was a Nazi Party paramilitary rank that was first created in 1930 as a rank of the Sturmabteilung (SA). Translated as "Troop Leader", the rank of Truppführer evolved from early Freikorps titles which traced their origins to World War I. As an SA rank, Truppführer was considered the equivalent of a senior sergeant, or sergeant first class. The rank of SA-Truppführer was at first considered senior to that of SA-Scharführer, but after 1932 was ranked above the new rank of SA-Oberscharführer. The insignia for a basic Truppführer consisted of two button pips on a collar patch.


Truppführer was a Nazi Party paramilitary rank that was first created in 1930 as a rank of the Sturmabteilung (SA). Translated as "Troop Leader", the rank of Truppführer evolved from early Freikorps titles which traced their origins to World War I. As an SA rank, Truppführer was considered the equivalent of a senior sergeant, or sergeant first class. The rank of SA-Truppführer was at first considered senior to that of SA-Scharführer, but after 1932 was ranked above the new rank of SA-Oberscharführer. The insignia for a basic Truppführer consisted of two button pips on a collar patch.