Tunisian bread riots

The Tunisian bread riots (French: émeutes du pain, Arabic: أحداث الخبز‎‎) were a series of violent demonstrations in Tunisia in December 1983 – January 1984 triggered by a rise in the price of bread due to an IMF-imposed austerity program. President Habib Bourguiba declared a state of emergency and the riots were put down by force. Over 100 rioters were killed. The regime was weakened by the upheavals and their aftermath. Three years later General Zine El Abidine Ben Ali seized power in a coup.

Tunisian bread riots

The Tunisian bread riots (French: émeutes du pain, Arabic: أحداث الخبز‎‎) were a series of violent demonstrations in Tunisia in December 1983 – January 1984 triggered by a rise in the price of bread due to an IMF-imposed austerity program. President Habib Bourguiba declared a state of emergency and the riots were put down by force. Over 100 rioters were killed. The regime was weakened by the upheavals and their aftermath. Three years later General Zine El Abidine Ben Ali seized power in a coup.