Two-toed earless skink

The two-toed earless skink (Hemiergis quadrilineata) is a common species of skink found in coastal south-western Australia. It is characterised by its long tail, an absence of ear-holes, shiny skin, yellow underside and short weak limbs, each of which with only two toes. It can grow to be over 10 cm in length, however the average size is approximately 7.5 cm. It also exhibits a snake-like movement, and due the small size and non-functionality of limbs in locomotion, it is often referred to as a legless lizard.

Two-toed earless skink

The two-toed earless skink (Hemiergis quadrilineata) is a common species of skink found in coastal south-western Australia. It is characterised by its long tail, an absence of ear-holes, shiny skin, yellow underside and short weak limbs, each of which with only two toes. It can grow to be over 10 cm in length, however the average size is approximately 7.5 cm. It also exhibits a snake-like movement, and due the small size and non-functionality of limbs in locomotion, it is often referred to as a legless lizard.