Ubre Blanca

Ubre Blanca (c. 1972 - 1985) was a cow in Cuba known for her prodigious milk production. The cow, along with the "Cordón de La Habana" coffee plantations, the Voisin pasture system, and the microjet irrigation system, symbolizes Fidel Castro’s efforts to modernize Cuba's agricultural economy. The Spanish phrase ubre blanca translates to the English phrase white udder.

Ubre Blanca

Ubre Blanca (c. 1972 - 1985) was a cow in Cuba known for her prodigious milk production. The cow, along with the "Cordón de La Habana" coffee plantations, the Voisin pasture system, and the microjet irrigation system, symbolizes Fidel Castro’s efforts to modernize Cuba's agricultural economy. The Spanish phrase ubre blanca translates to the English phrase white udder.