Unexpected (Star Trek: Enterprise)

"Unexpected" is the fifth episode (production #105) of the television series Star Trek: Enterprise, and was written by Brannon Braga and Rick Berman. Mike Vejar served as director for the episode. A ship feeding off Enterprise's warp field is exposed after the crew ignites the plasma exhaust. Commander Tucker takes a trip to the ship to help them repair their warp drive. After his return to Enterprise, he learns that he is pseudo-pregnant.

Unexpected (Star Trek: Enterprise)

"Unexpected" is the fifth episode (production #105) of the television series Star Trek: Enterprise, and was written by Brannon Braga and Rick Berman. Mike Vejar served as director for the episode. A ship feeding off Enterprise's warp field is exposed after the crew ignites the plasma exhaust. Commander Tucker takes a trip to the ship to help them repair their warp drive. After his return to Enterprise, he learns that he is pseudo-pregnant.