Union with Scotland (Amendment) Act 1707

The Union with Scotland (Amendment) Act 1707 (6 Ann c 40) is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. It is chapter VI in the common printed editions. This Act was partly in force in Great Britain at the end of 2010. This Act is infelicitously named. It united the English and Scottish Privy Councils and decentralised Scottish administration by appointing justices of the peace in each shire to carry out administration. In effect it took the day-to-day government of Scotland out of the hands of politicians and into those of the College of Justice.

Union with Scotland (Amendment) Act 1707

The Union with Scotland (Amendment) Act 1707 (6 Ann c 40) is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. It is chapter VI in the common printed editions. This Act was partly in force in Great Britain at the end of 2010. This Act is infelicitously named. It united the English and Scottish Privy Councils and decentralised Scottish administration by appointing justices of the peace in each shire to carry out administration. In effect it took the day-to-day government of Scotland out of the hands of politicians and into those of the College of Justice.