United Way of Canada

United Way of Canada (French: Centraide Canada) is the national organization for the 117 autonomous, volunteer-based United Ways across Canada. United Way campaigns raise money for local groups that address community issues and problems, and the national organization provides leadership, services and coordination to the members. In Canada, United Ways and Centraides are led and supported by more than 200,000 volunteers all dedicated to improving the lives of individuals in their community. Volunteers sit on United Way-Centraide boards, work on local fundraising campaigns, and help out in other capacities. Each United Way-Centraide is responsible to its own community, raising the resources and distributing it back to their community.

United Way of Canada

United Way of Canada (French: Centraide Canada) is the national organization for the 117 autonomous, volunteer-based United Ways across Canada. United Way campaigns raise money for local groups that address community issues and problems, and the national organization provides leadership, services and coordination to the members. In Canada, United Ways and Centraides are led and supported by more than 200,000 volunteers all dedicated to improving the lives of individuals in their community. Volunteers sit on United Way-Centraide boards, work on local fundraising campaigns, and help out in other capacities. Each United Way-Centraide is responsible to its own community, raising the resources and distributing it back to their community.