Unity Bridge

The Unity Bridge (sometimes called "Unity Bridge 1") across Ruvuma River at Negomano, Mozambique, between Tanzania and Mozambique was proposed as early as 1975, shortly after Mozambique's independence.It was the idea of the two country's former Presidents, Mwalimu Nyerere and Samora Machel. Several design studies and limited construction work were completed in the early 1980s, but the Unity Bridge was not finished due to lack of funds. In 2005, Norconsult was awarded the contract for preliminary design and construction supervision of the bridge. It will be about 720 m long.

Unity Bridge

The Unity Bridge (sometimes called "Unity Bridge 1") across Ruvuma River at Negomano, Mozambique, between Tanzania and Mozambique was proposed as early as 1975, shortly after Mozambique's independence.It was the idea of the two country's former Presidents, Mwalimu Nyerere and Samora Machel. Several design studies and limited construction work were completed in the early 1980s, but the Unity Bridge was not finished due to lack of funds. In 2005, Norconsult was awarded the contract for preliminary design and construction supervision of the bridge. It will be about 720 m long.