Urinboy Rahmonberdievich Rakhmonov

Urinboy Rahmonberdievich Rakhmonov (Russian: Уринбой Рахмонбердиевич Рахмонов) (4 (17) March 1910 – 5 October 1980) – Soviet Kyrgyz actor and theatrical figure, the founder of Bobur theater in the city of Osh, writer, poet.

Urinboy Rahmonberdievich Rakhmonov

Urinboy Rahmonberdievich Rakhmonov (Russian: Уринбой Рахмонбердиевич Рахмонов) (4 (17) March 1910 – 5 October 1980) – Soviet Kyrgyz actor and theatrical figure, the founder of Bobur theater in the city of Osh, writer, poet.