
Urotsukidōji (超神伝説うろつき童子 Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji) is a Japanese erotic horror manga series written and illustrated by Toshio Maeda and a series of original video animation (OVA) anime releases. Urotsukidōji was created by Toshio Maeda in 1986 and was a huge departure from his earlier works in that it mixed erotica with dark humor and the supernatural. He was commissioned to do the series for Manga Erotopia, a pornographic manga magazine published by Wani Magazine that deals mostly with avant garde stories. Maeda was picked because of his artistic style which paid incredible attention to detail and for his ability to tell rather good stories with complex plots, unlike most erotic manga artists at the time.


Urotsukidōji (超神伝説うろつき童子 Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji) is a Japanese erotic horror manga series written and illustrated by Toshio Maeda and a series of original video animation (OVA) anime releases. Urotsukidōji was created by Toshio Maeda in 1986 and was a huge departure from his earlier works in that it mixed erotica with dark humor and the supernatural. He was commissioned to do the series for Manga Erotopia, a pornographic manga magazine published by Wani Magazine that deals mostly with avant garde stories. Maeda was picked because of his artistic style which paid incredible attention to detail and for his ability to tell rather good stories with complex plots, unlike most erotic manga artists at the time.