Van Alen Institute

Van Alen Institute is a New York-based independent nonprofit architectural organization, dedicated to improving design in the public realm. It was originally founded in 1894 as the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, and in 1995 the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute's 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Van Alen Institute has nurtured generations of architects, urban thinkers, designers and scholars through design competitions, fellowships, awards and public programs. Also, it has fostered dialogue about architecture as a creative practice with great public consequence.Recent initiatives include Parks for the People and Ground/Work: A Design Competition for Van Alen Institute's New Street-Level Space. The Institute is also

Van Alen Institute

Van Alen Institute is a New York-based independent nonprofit architectural organization, dedicated to improving design in the public realm. It was originally founded in 1894 as the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, and in 1995 the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute's 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Van Alen Institute has nurtured generations of architects, urban thinkers, designers and scholars through design competitions, fellowships, awards and public programs. Also, it has fostered dialogue about architecture as a creative practice with great public consequence.Recent initiatives include Parks for the People and Ground/Work: A Design Competition for Van Alen Institute's New Street-Level Space. The Institute is also